Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Training Show aka My Big Debut! ;)

Well, my Training Show was October 1st and it was bittersweet. I didn't have a great RSVP rate, nor a high turnout, but people get busy, so I understood that. I DID have a sweet bunch of ladies from our new church home come and support me and they seemed to enjoy themselves. :) I am so blessed and happy that they seemed to be as well! :) Dee, as always, continues to be a blessing to me. :) The total figures won't knock anyone's socks off, but that is never the bottom line with me, and you know this if you know me AT ALL. :) I am setting my sights on growth, professional and personal, and still feel very content that this was God's plan for me to do this. :) It did also have one other interesting effect..... more on that later ;) God bless you and may you have a *sparkling* day! :) <3 In His Love, ~Sheila